New Year’s resolutions
As 2016 ends, the new year begins tomorrow. There will be many making a new round of New Year’s resolutions. I know I did not achieve all my health and fitness goals for the year, so how about you?
Are you already thinking about your 2017 New Year’s resolutions? What is going to make your 2017 New Year’s resolutions any different? Will your New Year’s resolutions make it past the 15th of January 2017? The reason I ask is because by that date 92% of New Year’s resolutions have not survived. If yours makes it past this date, then you are one of 8% of people.
What is the difference between those that do or do not achieve their goals? Did you write your health and fitness goal down? Research in the art and science of goal setting has produced some interesting results. Yes, there is a science to setting goals! The research has found that by writing down your goals you are 42% more likely to achieve them. So write them down on a regular basis.
Take some time now and write down some goals for your health and fitness in 2017. What do you have to lose? Don’t just write down what you think you might be able to achieve or what is possible given your current circumstances. Write down what you would truly like to achieve, no matter how big or bold it may seem right now.
The Plan
If you have taken the time to write something down congratulations! You have just taken a step closer to be one of the 8%! Next you will need a plan to help you achieve your big bold goal. If you don’t know where to start with your plan, get yourself a coach! An accredited exercise physiologist is a great resource for assisting you in putting a plan together to improve your health. A remember to have your plan written down, this will increase your chance of success.
Pay The Price
Sorry to say this, but you are going to have to pay some price to achieve it. Because as one of my mentors tells me “if you want to make some changes then you are going to have to make some changes!” This price could be 30 minutes less sleep per day because you are going to get up and do some exercise. Only you will know what that price will be. But don’t focus too much on the price, try and stay focused on the reward.
Take Action
The next step is to take action. You are probably looking at a big scary plan right now. If that is the case congratulations because not many will get to this point. How to begin? From my experience, I would suggest easing into your plan. Pick one daily discipline that you can focus on and start to change. I say this because I have not met many people who can flick the switch and make massive changes overnight. Once you have mastered one discipline move onto the next and so on. One of the previous blogs discussed the benefits of creating small wins.
As 2017 begins tomorrow, I wish you a Happy New Year and hope that it is a great year for you and your health.